Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Kebaikan Al-Fatihah

Ok. Title says it all. What I didn't say is ni pon boleh apply klw kene marah ngan cikgu, Boss, etc. etc. Basically this is what you guys should do time korang screwed lah.
Contoh situasi: Amad pinjam kunci Papa. Beberapa jam kendian, Amad hilangkan kunci tu secara x sengaja. Papa mintak Amad kunci tu balik. Amad terdiam. Taktau nak buat apa. Papa konfem nanti bebel kat Amad
So, apa yg perlu dibuat? Ni Minimal Fairy nak share ni. Ustazah MiniFei pernah ajar MiniFei tentang kebaikan surah Al-Fatihah. Banyaklah jugak kebaikannya. Tapi tu time darjah 5, so MiniFei x bape igt.
Tapi MiniFei ada ingat yang Ustazah cakap, kalau hati rasa takut or gementarBacalah Al-Fatihah.
Contohnya u gais cam Amad ni. Buat something wrong, parents standby nak lecture. So, spnjg korang takut tu, korang bacalah Al-Fatihah.
Ni mmg work. MiniFei baru je try tadi. Tak lama lagi MiniFei akan bertolak ke uni and MiniFei lupa nak igtkan Ayah utk amik laptop. Ofcos awal2 tu kene bebel lah jugak.
Apa2 pon, MiniFei n Ayah naik keta utk amik laptop tu. Spnjg perjalanan keta MiniFei rse takut gegile so MiniFei pon bacalah Al-Fatihah spnjg prjlnan.
Alhamdulillah, smpai je kedai laptop, Ayah dh happy2 balik. :3. So korang try lah eh.

Bagi u gais yg rse pelik, post ni I copypaste dari blog I yg lagi satu at https://bruxayellow.wordpress.com/

Keseorangan Di Kolej

In case you guys didn't know, I've already registered for college at UiTM Dengkil, Selangor on the 28th of May. After the registration, starting from 5 pm, MDS started.

In case you guys don't know, MDS stands for Minggu Destinasi Siswa. It went on for about 3 days. It was quite hectic actually.

The Science foundation etc, had already started before us. We were the last batch, TESLAW (TESL + Law) aka the 4th Wave.

Law is actually divided into 2 sections, UiTM and KPTM. The difference is not really clear to me. Haven't done my homework on that yet.

Anyway, first day we all banyak jejalan. Moving here to there. So by the nighttime, we were already sweaty. And guess when the event ended? By 1 am. That's right 1 AM. And for the next day, when do we have to be up? 4.30 AM.

So immediately, we went to shower before bed. Had only 2 hours of sleep, Next day, just sarung baju.

Second day, not so bad. Mostly stayed in lecture rooms for briefings and all that. So that's a relief.

Third day, penyerahan borang. Gave the authorities our borang. I was SO RELIEVED to know I am no longer responsible for my documents.

And that's the summary of my MDS.

Afterwards, it's cuti umum. That lasts for a week. All of my housemates went back home, leaving me behind to guard the house. Sleeping alone isn't as creepy as I thought it would be.

So yes right now, I'm home alone.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Social Media and WhatNots

Hey guys, I'm back. I've been blogging less and less recently, that much is obvious. But today's post is going to be about Social Medias, etc. etc.

So let's start.

Yesterday, I was going through my e-mails and I noticed I've been getting plenty of e-mails from my social medias such as Facebook and Twitter, for example.

Firstly, I haven't opened my Facebook account in ages. I didn't know I still have it. So what do I do with that? Simple, I delete it. Reasons: One, I don't use it anymore and from what I'm seeing, Facebook is losing popularity. Most of my friends don't use it anymore I guess. Funnily, last month I used my brother's Facebook account to play this game called City Girl Life. Mainly, because I needed something to kill the time. I will get to the other reason later.

Second, let's talk about Twitter. This account was new and I actually made it by accident. From my experience with Twitter, it's really nothing other than people ranting. It's like an online diary, etc. etc. In short, pretty useless. Besides, I actually share an account with my friends with the username: _jonginxx_. Hint: Raja. But, I've decided to spend less time on Twitter because it cringes me as I'm surprised how much time people spend time on it just to post useless stuff. So, I logged out and left it alone for awhile. Hopefully, I won't find myself crawling back to it.

I can't delete it because it's my friend's account.

Now, Instagram. This one has been dominating 99% of my time during my cuti SPM. Because I was bored, had nothing to do, so I'd grab the phone and scroll through Instagram. In my opinion, it's no less cringey than Twitter. I was presented with pictures of girls taking selfies, girls taking pictures closely with guys, bla bla. By the end of the day, I looked back and realized that I had just wasted my time liking a bunch of useless photos. 

But, I didn't delete my Instagram account. Because I'll admit, it's still nice to know where your friends are and what they're up to. So instead of deleting Instagram, I decided to go on 30 days without it.

Now the reasons for why I'm trying to spend less time on social media because I've noticed that it's time consuming and also time wasting. The time that I could use to read more important stuff. The time that I could use to increase productivity and become the better person than I was yesterday. Now with the social media all up in my face, that can be quite hard to achieve. What's more, most of the people I discover on the internet are quite annoying, anyway.

Below is a video I wanna share about living without social media:
'A Year Offline'

Now here are some links that inspired me to spend less time on the internet/social media:

Killing Home Internet
Mr Money Mustache(This guy convinced to stop watching TV too. His blog is great and awesome)