Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Make This Your Habit

Ok. 1 habit yg me nk fokuskan is sedekah.

This is what you people should do:

When you nmpk tabung, masukkan seberapa yg u gais nk. I usually masukkan RM1. Tp klw u gais nmpk bnyk tabung, u gais don't have to derma to all the tabungs. Terpulang. No paksaan in sedekah.

I lg suka pilih tabung yg focus on anak yatim dri masjid. Idk maybe sbb kat Malaysia ni dh bnyk sngt masjid.

So yah. Sedekah lah. After that, baca doa dhuha sbb dlm doa dhuha ada doa permudahkan rezeki. Aritu I derma, tuptup, Mama bg me RM50 . Mehehehe.

How to Deal with Nyamuk

Sup everybody. K. Memandangkan skrg ni tgh musim panas and all the nyamuks came out to play, we all very terseksa.

Anyways, on with the post.

  1. Ada ridsect tak? Klw ye, baca instruction pd botol n do as it says.
  2. Takde ridsect? Guna apa2 aje ubat nyamuk yg korang ada.
  3. Dua2 takde? I dngr story ada jual krim yg boleh sapu at badan supaya nyamuk tak gigit. Tak ingt pulak apa nama dia. Klw u gais tau, share ye.
  4. Klw tu pon takde. There's always bedak. Any kind of bedak is ok I think. , make sure to sapukan berlapis at hotspot nyamuk. This works. Tp klw u gais still trbangun wktu mlm sbb kene gigit, maknanya bedak korang tak cukup tebal. So tebalkan lah.