Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Supaya Krang Tak Tido Lepas Sahur

Semua orang ada tabiat untuk tido after sahur. In my opinion lah, tidur ni boleh cepat dehydrate orang, so you guys would feel serious haus. And ni kan bulan Ramadan.

So ni lah my tips supaya korang tak tidur lepas sahur and tak rasa haus:

  • Amat digalakkan kalau korang sahur pada 30/40 minit sebelum Subuh.
  • Time makan, jangan lupa niat and makan slow2, supaya perut boleh cerna.
  • Biasanya 20/30 minit, korang dah abis makan.
  • Sambil menunggu azan Subuh, korang amik wuduk and tunaikan solat tahajjud/ hajat, etc. etc.
  • Dah habis and masih lom Subuh, baca Quran or buku.
  • Lepas azan Subuh, tunaikan Solat Subuh.
  • Pasni, korang boleh mulakan rutin harian biasa korang. Mandi, or baca buku, or apa2 lah.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Rawat Demam Tanpa Pil or Ubat

First of all, saya nak cakap yang ini adalah berdasarkan pandangan saya sendiri and it works for me. Tapi semua orang berlainan so kemungkinan what works for me might not work for you.

Okay. Firstly, ana memang tak suka pil. Panadol, semua tu... Also, I blame ana punya cikgu Bio for this. sebab dia sendiri yang cakap panadol or pil ni senanya takde fucntion sangat. 

So, ana nak share cara ana rawat demam tanpa guna pil or panadol:

  • Minum air banyak2. Agak2 dalam satu hari minum 3 to 4 atau liter atau lebih of air.
  • Sebelum minum air, baca Al-Fatihah and doa supaya demam disembuhkan.
  • Banyakkan baca Quran. Agak2 4 muka surat atau lebih per solat. (Contoh: lepas solat Subuh, baca 4 mukasurat of Quran. Zohor, repeat. Asar, repeat, Then so on. Ni Ustazah ana yang share dulu)
  • Get enough rest. Kalau ada waktu free, sebaik-baiknya tido. Takyah ngengada nak bukak whatsapp or Insta or bende2 yg x penting. Tido sampai sembuh, Jangan smpai ponteng solat pulak.

InsyaAllah nanti smua sembuh. Demam ni pelik. Kadang2 lps 1 hri dah sembuh. Kdg2 kene tunggu 2 atau 3 hari. Sejujurnya my mum mcm tak suka tabiat ana yang tak suka pil ni. Dah masalahnya yang ana tahu pasal pil ni kebanyakannya negatif je, nak wat cane?

Fun fact about pil: (based on Cikgu Bio and sorang kawan), kalau slalu makan pil, kemungkinan boleh damage buah pinggang. So sayangilah buah pinggang anda. 

Plus: Kalau anda demam denggi, buat pe lagi tengok post ni. Go see doctor lah... But kalau jumpa doktor pon, doktor akan cakap to DRINK WATER. 

How To Take Care of Your Phone

Okay. So when you're in college, you pretty much get to know your friends a lot deeper like their habits and lifestyle. If there's one problem most of my friends have in common is a problem involving their phone. Like for example, their phone battery drain out fast, the phone doesn't seem to be charging even when it's plugged to in, etc.

So here are my tips when you buy a new phone and want to AVOID these problems:

  • When your phone dies, charge it. Duh.
  • While your phone is charging. DON'T FUCKING TOUCH IT OR PLAY WITH IT. (Because while you're playing, you're probably gonna pull your phone to here and there and it'll end up screwing up the place where the charger connects with the phone. Also, for some reason, it'll make the phone loses its battery faster.)
  • If your phone's not done charging till 100%, DON'T FUCKING UNPLUG IT. (Because your phone needs to recharge, dummy. Also, for some reason, it'll make the phone drain faster.)
  • When I say don't play with the phone while it's charging, I also meant NO FREAKING POWERBANK. 
  • Don't play with your phone on the table while you/other people are eating. Also, playing with your phone while eating or at the dining table is disrespectful and rude. aka tak berakhlak. 
Now, I'd like to add a note that these tips are applicable for phones that have never faced fast battery draining problems before like mine. Meaning, that if your phone already has the problems mentioned, taubatlah, get your phone fixed and don't fucking repeat the same mistakes. 

I've had my phone for about 3 years and I NEVER OWN A POWERBANK. I've experienced some fast battery draining problems but not as frequent as most people. And one of the reasons is usually because I play with my phone while it's charging or I don't let it charge fully.

You can use your phone even if it's not charged fully FOR EMERGENCY reasons like homework or assignments. The steps are:

  • Switch off the socket.
  • Disconnect your phone from the charger.
  • Get the work done.
  • Connect the phone back to the charger.
  • And let it charge. 

The Simple Equation about Guys

Been in uni, made friends lately. Amazed to see them able to present in English without stuttering. Weirdly, their confidence made me confident as well.

So I've made friends with my Class Rep, a girl. She's somewhat like a gangster. She has experience in dating so she shared some of her wisdom with me.

"Don't tolerate the simple things with guys. For example, when they hold your hand. Instead of letting him do it or tolerate it, take off your shoe and slap him with it. Because, they tend to increase their actions gradually, from hand holding to hugging, from hugging to the "MasyaAllah Harammm boleh kene sebat 100 kali". " I hold on to this like it's a verse from a religious book.

But yeah I'm just going to share to you guys on how to avoid asshole guys and fuckboys. Here are the equations:

  • If he holds your hand = he's a fuckboy
  • If he persuades you to do the Nauzubillah Minzalik = potential rapist aka jackass
  • If he sends you pickup lines via lisan or online messages = he's an asshole. he probably sent it to someone else as well. 
  • If he asks you out berdua-duaan = pervert alert
  • If he asks you out at night = potential rapist
  • If he gives you promises but end up breaking them = major asshole
  • If he sends you messages at night = creep/pervert
  • If he wants to give you something for free = DON'T EVER ACCEPT IT. NOTHING IS FREE WITH GUYS.
  • If he has plenty of ex-girlfriends = major player
  • If he talks about girls like they're objects = creep
  • If he asks for a picture of you = freaking perv
  • If he shows a picture of you to other guys = scary creepy
  • If he talks about you with other guys = extreme jackass
To all those girls out there, hold on to this. Fucking HOLD ON to this shit. Because there are times when they seem innocent and shy even when they hold your hands but all in all, they're just a huge prick. 

To avoid these problems altogether, pretty much ignore them when they talk to you about unimportant things.