My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Buku ni I picked up just because it was on the shelf of my uni's bookstore. Lagi satu, since I study at an islamic university, I notice yang pelajar2 jurusan Islam, both male and female, have this certain glow to their faces.
And I doubt it's makeup or skincare products.
So, I wanted the same glow as well, and I figured this book is the best place to start.
The opening of the book was a bit dragging at first and most sources used are kind of unreliable (blogs, etc.). But towards the end, I ended up leaving memos and taking notes and this book managed to changed my life and my views on wuduk.
Also, this book caused me to stop buying makeup, so it saved my money, ohyeah. Furthermore, makeup has become somewhat superficial for me and I'm starting to lean more towards natural beauty.
- usaha untuk sentiasa berada dalam keadaan berwuduk.
-baca Bismillah sebelum wuduk
-niat hanya dibaca dalam hati, bukan dengan lisan
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