Saturday, September 29, 2012


One fine, beautiful day,

a boy is picking berries and put them in a basket. He goes back to the bushes to pick some more. When he turned around to fill the basket, his friend realized that few of the berries that were picked earlier are gone.

And somewhere a few meters away, a crowd was making noise which sounded like:

"A dead girl! A dead girl!"

The berry picking boy was shocked that he's running in circles. "Oh my God! There's a killer on the loose!"

His friend went to examine the berries and he solved their problem.

"No, there aren't any killers. She probably stole your berries and ate them. These are poisonous, just so you know."

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Canteen Day

aka Hari Kantin in malay.

So, aku sebenarnya tak nak datang hari nie. But I've already bought coupon so it's not like I really have an option, did I?

Sebenarnya ni first time aku gi Hari Kantin, whatnot. At first it starts out with me being all emo and hating people who have boyfriends/girlfriends as per usual.

And that went on until I met a group of girls who looked like my classmates; one that I can actually communicate with. I communicate with certain girls only.

I was bubbly and happy and I also saw the girl who sits next to me, Raja.

Pastu few minutes went by lah. Got boring, cikgu suruh beratur, suruh daftarkan kupon. Boring, boring, boring.

This group of girls - Najiha, Anis, Nadia S., Lailatul, Shameera, and Azma started this not-so-festive festival with going to the field. Nak tengok futsal, adalah salah sorang bdak pompuan dlm group kitorang yang ada crush.

So, tengoklah. Mata aku meliar ke sana sini cari mamat yang you can say aku interested dengan.

Tak jumpa, so tengok je lah bola golek-golek kena tendang dengan brutalnya. Terbayang pulak Haziq Jo sepak kepala zombi. Yelah, Haziq minat Zombie.

Lelaki 2 (secret code between me and Nabihah)  main futsal. Husna dah tengok dah, so dia ckp dgn penolong pengerusi pengawas (korang pepandai lah cari sape pompuan nie) yang boyfriend dia tadi main. Itu pon kalau diorang berkapel.

Budak pompuan memang dari tadi punggung diorang terlekat dekat bench tu - asyik tengok lelaki idaman diorang.

Group aku makin bosan so diorang nak gi Rumah Hantu. Tengok line-nya yang panjang hingga ke dewan terbuka nampak cam best. Tapi I tak masuk cuz not worth my fifty cents or my one ringgit.

OK, back to my group. Diorang nk gi rumah hantu tapi one of us yang ada crush nk stay, tak puas cuci mata. So only few yang gi Rumah Hantu. I'm one of those yang stay - still searching that mamat.

Tengok je lah. Group aku asyik sokong Raymi. Aku tengok jer. Pusing kepala, terjumpa plak Luqman. Main futsal rupanya.

Sambung balik tengok bola.

Permainan dah habis. Tamat jugak. Makin bosan aku tengok.

Kitorang pergi beli some food. Aku pon tak tahu brape bnyk kupon yang diorang beli hingga mcm2 yg diorang beli. Float lah, waffle, jambu, etc. Aku tak kluarkan duit pon. Shameera is willing to share some with me. Sayang Shameera~ :]

So kitorang duduk kat koridor. Diorang ckp2 pasal Korea, Korea, gosip sikit, etc. And Anis asyik ramble pasal nk mintak org yg tgh jaga radio station (mcm radio station tp bkan pon, cumer main lagu jer) patut main Gangnam Style.

Doa dimakbulkan, dengar jugak lagu tu. Terbayang pulak Raymi yg asyik menari Gangnam Style kat dlm kelas. Entah2 wktu futsal pon dia menari.

P/S: Nadia S ada request lagu Beautiful Night. I don't care about Korea.

Makin bosan, makin bosan. Banyak beli benda.... tengok futsal balik. Lagi bosan, lagi bosan. Sampai 9:30, kitorang gi makmal bahasa. Buy tickets for movie.

At first, I wanna watch The Raid sbb citer tu R-Rated. Bagi mereka yang tak tahu R-rated tu mende, internet ada, sila Google. Tapi tak sempat so kitorang tengok Real Steel. BEST~

Tetengok dari pagi aku boleh tengok movie sbb ada 3 movies yang dah disediakan. Kalau aku tahu boleh, dari pagi aku terus ke Language Lab, takyah bazir masa watching the boy in the blue tee trying to shield himself from getting hit by a ball instead of actually catching it. He's the goalkeeper, by the way.

Movie tu mmg best, seriously best. Especially kalau tengok ngan Shameera n friends.

Sebenarnya sebelum beratur tadi, kitorang tgh tunggu kat luar Language Lab, at the corridor. Tetiba ternampak pulak Raja Fatin. Aku pun terjeri-jeritlah "Raja! Raja! Raja!" Tapi dia tak layan.

I don't know how she managed to ignore that call when I was using my full volume shout. Tetengok kat depan dia ada sorang lagi Raja. Oh~, tu sebab dia tak layan aku. Dari tadi asyik stare jer, tgh dlm trance agaknya.

Movie habis, gi luar. Back to reality where there are no real robot boxing. Tengok dia balik jap, pastu masuk bilik mama, buka internet.

Di sinilah tamatnya rambling aku yang merapu.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


One day, a girl was surfing through a blog and found out that mimicry is a sign of attraction. This gave her an idea. So she stalks her guy friend day and night mimicking everything he says.

"Stop, you're scaring me," the boy said.

"Stop, you're scaring me," repeated the girl.

After months of doing it, the girl almost gave up because the boy still didn't know that the girl likes him. But she decided, for love, till death shall she do it.

It drove the boy crazy that at first he was taken to a mental hospital for healing. But when he got out, the girl still follow him and mimic him.

It was too much for the boy that he committed suicide by hanging himself from his ceiling while hugging his favorite Teddy Bear, Mr. Huggles.

The End

Notes: Because the world turned its back on me. So this blog might end up being a story blog.